Friday, December 05, 2008

शेर ओ शायरी

दिलों के टूटने पर ज़माने में हंगामा खड़ा नहीं होता
दिलों के जुड़ने पर जाने क्यूँ समाज टूटते हैं

वो बेखबर हमसे मिलने की उम्मीद करता रहा ताउम्र
मौत के बाद उसे उसे अपनी कब्र मेरे बगल मिली

कभी इन आंसुओं को पे के देखो
कितना जलता है जिगर भी , आँख भी , वक्त भी

समंदर की गहराई से भी मैं तुझको ले आऊंगा
मैंने तुमको हमेशा अपने दिल की गहराईयों में छिपाया है

०५.१२.०८ सुजीत कुमार (दूसरा पन्ना )


Monday, December 01, 2008

डर लगता है

मुझे डर लगता है
कल से फैला है सन्नाटा है हर तरफ़
कोई भी मरा नही है
पता नही मुझे क्यूँ लगता है
अब मेरी बारी है

मुझमे तुझमे क्या फर्क है
खुदा तो सबमे है खून का रंग लाल सबका है
वफ़ा से प्यार सबको है
पर ओ मेरे भाई तू क्यूँ हम सबसे नाराज है
क्यूँ हम सबको डरा रहा है

थपकियाँ माँ की लोरी की तरह होती है
बड़े भाई का गुस्सा भी बाद में हम दोनों को रुलाता था
पापा मुझे पीटने के बाद मुझे आइसक्रीम खिलते थे
पर ओ मेरे भाई तू क्यूँ मुझसे अब तक नाराज है

मुझे अब सन्नाटे से डराते हो
कब गोली इस दिवार से निकल के मेरे सीने में घुस जायेगी
मैं इसी का इंतज़ार करता रहता हूँ
दिल को चीर करके रख दूँ आज मैं और कहूँ तुमसे मैं सच में तुम सब से मुहब्बत करता हूँ
पर मेरे भाई तू इस छोटी सी बात को क्यूँ नहीं समझता है

चल आ मेरे पास फ़ेंक ये बन्दूक जिसकइ गोलियां प्यार नहीं पैदा करती
मेरे भाई फ़ेंक ये नफरत जो गरीब को आमिर नही कर सकती
फ़ेंक ये नकाब जो तुमने चढा रखा है अपने दिल पे
पूछ अपनी माँ से अपने भगवान से क्या सच में तू जो कर रहा है वो ये चाहता है।

सुजीत कुमार (मुंबई की बमबारी और दहशत के दो दिन बाद) ३०.११.२००८ रात के १.३० बजे


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mumbai firing

Mumbai firing 2008

The eve when India was rejoicing the 5th win of India-England Series, record consecutive 5th win in a series ever by India.
I was studying in my roomat around 10.20 in night, suddenly my partner told Firing is going on at some places in Mumbai- May be gangwar. I recalled SATYA movie, where they had shown some aspects of Gangwars in Mumbai.It flashed before my eyes. But slowly , we found the ghastly images to be turned. Noone thought it will last for 3 days. The Black three daystill saturday morning. 
Indian commandoes and other top officers kept on losing their life. for India. for Us.
Salute to them.
I being a very Emotional person cant put a single photo of the event on my blog. But the pain is etched hard in me. I never felt so sad for firing and killing ever in my life. 

It was indeed a great loss for country.  


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Status Messages

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते, रमनते तत्र देवता... अतिथि देवो भव .. The Gods are pleased where the women are held in esteem.....

One SPAM.. sorry i sent SPAM so another spam... oh i didnt intended so..another SPAM..I want to clear the air..yet another..then one glorIfying heavenly voice i wish u all should not SPAM...thats a SPAM too man... Story of SPAM and INTRANET

SPAM s are spasms invluntary action of fingers in reply to all or forwarded to all... sometimes with additional names.. but its not meant for anything remeber its spasm


भरतनाट्यम कोझिकोड़ के परिसर में

Enthralling Dance Performance by Rama Vaidyanathan at IIM campus.
A beauty to watch, An expression to understand, A touching feeling.... Words cant explain a Maestro's Performance.
They just provoke you to reach the highest level of Performance in your own chosen field with Passion....
Started with a performance normally done by dasis for Shiva in south temples, to appease Him. She portrayed the character of a matured lady, who understands love deeply and want to find it out in Shiva. The bhakti mixes here with a love which is all around. In fact dasis used to love their god as their husband. Another Speciality of this performance was that this is the highest form of dance and the peak of her learning.
The next performance was ablut a young immature girl, playing with his boyfriend. saying no to all his request citing reason that its night why u play flute now, why u want to wake up the world now. In this way if people see me they will laugh on me, i will not be able to show my face. What will happen to my dignity. She loves the boy(in fact Krishna) but she plays with him.
the third performance was about Spring, which happened in Autumn in kozhikode.
The last was a spectacular feelng of love towards our mother godddess" Vande Mataram" where she waves hands like bloominmg flowers , the spring.......
वंदे मातरम !!!


Monday, November 24, 2008

वजह दिल की

सबक वो चार उस दिन जो मुझे याद हो जाते
तू मेरे पास आ जाते
और ये
गम हमसे दूर हो जाते

किसी की दिल की हालत को भला तुम क्या समझते गर
वो आंसू की बूंदों को हम अपने आंखों में छुपा जाते

मैं जानता था तू मुझे कभी भी नही समझ सकता
मेरे चेहरे पे वरना वो काला चश्मा की वजह तुम जरुर पूछते

कई यादों को जलाया है मैंने अपने सीने में
इस सीने से निकलते धुँए की वजह तुम जरुर पूछते


Friday, November 21, 2008

Life as Such तेरी मेरी कहानी

Life is just like that...

A lot is missing in life ,if you dont enjoy it..
after a long time, I saw a movie when i thought to write something about it.. or something about my life.. or something about people in general..

All are same..The world is same about me, you and everyone...
We aspire for something onl to see finally that what we aspires for we never achieved..

Newton said at the end of his life" I kept searching fpor pebbles at the seashore and never could dip in the sea.." We are even worse than that because he was at least searching near his favourite sea but we dont even search at our favourite sea...
रफ्ता रफ्ता मैं तुम्हारे पास आता गया॥
रफ्ता रफ्ता मैं तुम्हारे से दूर जाता गया...
उस रस्ते से क्यूँ न गया मैं जो मुझे पसंद था
उस गली को क्यूँ न चुना मैं जो उसे भी पसंद था...
ये रस्ते मेरे तेरे और सबके लिए अलग है॥
बताता रहा है ये मुझको जमाना॥
अब हम सबको बताते हैं की है येही एक रास्ता


Saturday, September 06, 2008

हैं और भी दुनिया में सुखनवर बहुत अच्छे ,
 कहते हैं कि ग़ालिब का है अंदाजे बयां और!!


आ, की मेरी जान को करार नहीं है 
ताक़त-ऐ-बेदाद-ऐ-इंतज़ार नहीं है
 [ करार = rest, बेदाद = injustice ]

देते हैं जन्नत हयात-ऐ-दहर के बदले
 नश्शा बा-अंदाजा-ऐ-खुमार नहीं है 
[ हयात = life, दहर = world, बा-अंदाजा = according to, खुमार = intoxication

गिरिया निकाले है तेरी बज्म से मुझ को हाय !
 की रुने पे इख्तियार नहीं है
 [ गिरिया = weeping , इख्तियार = control

हमसे 'अबस है गुमान-ऐ-रंजिश-ऐ-खातिर 
ख़ाक में उश्शाक की घुबार नहीं है 
[ 'अबस = indifferent,  ख़ाक = ashes/dust, उश्शाक = lovers, घुबार = clouds of dust ]


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

तू जो हरजाई है अपना भी यही तौर सही ;
तू नहीं और सही और नहीं, और सही!!!

एक और यूँ फ़रमाया है ...

वक़्त ने वो ख़ाक उड़ाई है के दिल के दश्त से 
क़ाफ़िले गुज़रे हैं फिर भी नक़्श-ए-पा कोई नहीं !!!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Feminine Character---Century Old or ever persistent

Still Reading Pride and Prejudice........
The nature of girls,ladies as well as the observers for them remain the same throughout the world.
eg. the elizabeth's character......,Ms. Bennet's char and finally Mr.Collins observation regarding Elizabeth.


Dance Skills--- the Basix

Saw an Episode of Saroj Khan on NDTV Imagine about dance steps she has used in movies...For the first time i found the depth in the dance steps...
1.while saying rama..she salutes..
2.while being an Her dance steps in rotating or revolving on one steps other one is only thumaking...fabulous..
3.dil or my own or my heart means folded hands.
4.In the song “ये इश्क हाय... “ she wears hilly dresses and is shot in hilly areas too,
and the steps seems too obvious when she taught it...
५.थाप पे हाथ बंद और खुला
हाय पे हाथ हिलाते हुए.. और जान फँस आई पे गर्दन तक हाथ and face should speak that ur life is in tandem....
6.कैसा सीधा साधा ---make face and hand like being simple..


Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to Home

Back to Home after another 27 hour journey.. Kolkata to Chennai. yes I have forgotten that my home is Tarapur err Maheshpur.
Sultry days. and Nights too.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Day with Destiny
the only day that I remember from my Childhood as the most fabulous one when I am happy through out the day, Planning for future, not much thinking of Past is 27th march. you know why!( Need not say)
27th March2008 was also the same. A day When i arrived to Kolkata again from Balasore after the 16th Gun being fired in Chandipur at PXE.
I got ready well. Planned for the future .my tech Plans. Got wild in train over a piece of news that we should go back to the dress sense that our ancestors use at that particular place for thousand of years. where are we going. No NecKtie.It makes you hotter and thereby increases your ac power consumption.which is detrimental to the atmosphere ,leading to further global warming. We should better go for earning process used by our forefathers also rather than running after MBA.sure after sometime it will come.
We are definitely the only one genetically wrong species in the whole world.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Days of Tension seems to be over.

Are They ...Probably not... Not in a lifetime...

Thats the Life..I have chosen to lead.Except for few changes here and there Life is meant to be lived like that by ME...How Satisfied do i feel when i try to reach another milestone.another life another challenge...

True .When Gary Kasparov was world Champion in his early 20's. The wife of another great chess player told her that "you are dead now. because you will never again be able to have the best day in your life. you already have lived it."But He savoured that moment throughout his career by becoming the best player year after year ..not getting satisfied with it. Fire was so much there in him that He could not lose the top spot till he retired.

Life is a Promise and we have to fulfil it. - Mother Teresa


Saturday, March 08, 2008

XLRI 2008 Interview for GMP2008(Dated 07.03.08 at LIBA,Chennai)

Me: May I come in Sir..
Q: Welcome Sujit Kumar..
Please Take a Seat.
Sujit Kumar See your name is on the top.
Ok. You sign Here..(Gave one Paper to put the signature where my photo and allwas there)
So you have signed.
Ok.. Now he goes through the Biodata...2 yrs in Control and switchgear contactors...3 yrs in BEL..

1st person
Q. Why do u want to do MBA.
when i was working as a product development engineer, i was equipped with my technical knowledge from an engineering college. But now whne i will be graduating to senior engineer post and then deputy manager, I feel myself lacking the knowledge of business management aspects, decision making, risk avoidance and other such things. So i feel tat this is the right time to take a break and just learn it and then go back to job.
Q. So How do u rat eyour company?
I feel its an overall good organisation under the defence ministry (along with DRDO and HAL and Ordnance factories) in its chosen field of electronics and communication. There had been good growth for quite a few years.
Q. So what post you are holding presently.
Deputy Engineer, then Senior Engineer.
Q.What next
Deputy Manager.
QYou have to speak on “Dont count your Chicken before They Hatch” for two minutes.
Q. But what was the topic given by me..
Me: Sorry Sir I couldnot understand the meaning fully.but i understood the meaning like this....
Q.what do u get out of chicken
only eggs no meat also..what else:
Q. What for feathers are used?
Me: in making Shuttle cock for badminton and such games.
Q.What was the case for shuttle cock along with the badminton..
Me: that thye were not able to import the shuttle cocks.
Q. But what is the proble in importing .
Me: thats what was the press release by Mr. Prakash Padukone for that.
I dont know what had gone behind it.

2nd person: You have just named few companies under Defence Ministry.Are they all or there are more.Name any other Company.
Q.How is that Company?
Me: Ok on growing track only.
Q.What does that company Make:
Me: They are making Big Vehicles with TATRA .. for Carrying Antenna and such Heavy things.Yes for carrying antenna and such big Items....
Q.For the first time from you i am listening that BEL is a good company.. People are telling it is not as good organisation.
For last few years since our last CMD Mr. V K Koshy and then Mr. Y. Gopala Rao ,The company was on the track of growth with 15% growth per year. Chennai Unit itself ,while last year gave turnover of 100 crores this yr it will reach at 300 cr.
Q.Growth is OK But what about quality?
Since it was a closed environment So We were not looking for quality that seriously. But definitely now in open environment to face challenges,We will come up with better quality products.
Q. Do you know that your company started making TV also.
Yes Sir. But then Defence Ministry told them to concentrate on core area rather than looking for consmer products.
Q. Who were the other public sector companies to come up with TV.
May be ECIL.
Q. yes, Any other organisation.
May be State electronics tamilnadu..
Q. No in fact Kerala electronics limited and ...(forgot the name) Produced it.
Q. Have you heard of (one tv model he told).
No sir..
3rd Person
Q. It seemed that you came prepared to give a speech here..
No sir, I could not understand the topic was the interpretation of me ..
Q. But it seemed like a speech.
Yes in fact its a dream for me.. My aim..
Q.A common perception is that when people from bihar come out ,they excel. But within the state they do not perform.why?
Are you asking the question that why the growth is not there..
yes in fact to grow a company the political scenario should be good.
The leaders in fact has created such an environment tthta if people pay 2 lacs or so they will get a job. Such a thinking should be removed from the mind of the leaders. They should think in a broad perspective for growth of company then creating jobs..
entrepreneurship should be promoted rather than romoting nepotism and all..
Q But democracy is there.
Yes ,but theearlier leadre had knew that he had to get 30% of votes only to become cm. Even if 70% of people were against him,he could win. Now the rest of 70% people could not create consensus to remove that leader..
Q I think people like you should come up to do something for the state.
Yes Sir, In fact my purpose of doing MBA is that in the end i want to something for state by creating some industry factor can be taken care of by few enthusiatic people gathered for working towards this purpose.. but job creation ,employment is difficult..we have to convince the local leader to give urs a protected area.. areate one industry there .. make it a model for the state and copy it in other parts..


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another Trip to Kolkata...
for AK630 again
I am really proud of being part of this project.
Being a Technical guy on this topic is something worth be proud of...


The trip to Ooty,Coonoor and Mudumalai, needless to say, was much better than expectation.

So What if i lost my jacket.. so what if i wasted a bit more money... So what if i could not prpeare for my nterview in those dyas..

I joyed and enjoyed the beauty of the naturee to the fullest..